
My name is Swendeline Ersilia

Based in the Netherlands, the founder of LOUD Womanhood, a writer,  a lover, a sister to many and the becomming of a softness nudist.

Along this journey of life I have been exploring, exsisting and experiencing . Growing up in an European country with a black houshold has brought me many lessons and gave me many perspectives. I have always had my mother around me and time after time I questioned her story and many other stories. My mothers story, aunts stories, grandmothers story. To me there was this holistic energy they carried, a strength that I could never capture as well as this mysterious blanket that covered their being.

Many women have gone through mental health issues, achievements, fears, succes, growth, lessons, processes and challenges. Growing into life I faced my own challenges with (self)acceptance and all of the above wich has awakened a new layer to life to me. A realisation that there is a deeper sense of Self that is deserving of my attetion in order for me, a  woman,  to grow into her fullest potential.

I have learned that my own story with it’s ups and downs deserves a voice. In order to release, reflect, change and grow. Throughout social platforms I started to meet more powerful females with similar expierences. Tho I saw that many of those women chose to deal in silence. I hope that by putting my journey out there ( a softness nudist), I can help others to create and hold space for themselves with ease. Taking care of the Self is key to love in general. And by owning up to ourselves we can carry on the legacy of females as holistic beings.

LOUD Womanhood is here to create space for women(of colour) in Europe, so they can create space and hold for themselves. To deepen their self love and care journey by reading, learning and sharing their story and grow into being their fullest potential out LOUD.

With healing ourselves, we heal the collective.

Love ’n light,

Swendeline Ersilia